5 No-Brainer Ways to Have a Nice-Smelling Home This Spring

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As time-consuming as spring cleaning can be, enjoying the fruits of your labor can be best appreciated through its scents. Stepping into a clean home as you take in a whiff of something fresh, floral, or citrusy (or, better yet, nothing at all!) makes the hard work worth it. While day-to-day maintenance can take some effort, spring is a perfect time to keep your home smelling clean and fresh with just a few small tasks.

I am quite meticulous when it comes to cleaning, which means I rarely let a “bad odor” linger in my home. To get some extra tips on improving the air quality and overall scent of your space, I reached out to a couple of experts so you can also bask in the glory of a nice-smelling home all season long.

Just because your trash isn’t full doesn’t mean it doesn’t need to be taken out. Taking the trash out regularly (sometimes daily depending on what you’re cooking) is one of the best ways to keep unpleasant odors at bay.

“If you are cooking meat or animal products and throwing containers away in the trash these will quickly cause odors,” says Ryan Knoll, cleaning expert and owner of Tidy Casa. “Additionally, clean your trash can at least once every couple of weeks, as spills happen and bags leak that make your trash can smell.”

Light candles or use room spray. 

Invest in air purification. 

While candles, room sprays, and diffusers are excellent options for integrating your favorite scents into your home’s atmosphere, it’s essential to ensure your air quality is healthy so that bad odors aren’t just masked and harmful particles like mold are eliminated.

Air purifiers with carbon filtration are a great solution for getting rid of bad odors, as these help absorb gasses and microscopic particles,” says Michael Rubino, mold and air quality expert, environmental wellness advocate, and founder of HomeCleanse. “To get the most bang for your buck, get a unit that removes the maximum number of contaminants. This includes going beyond normal HEPA status and eliminating the smallest particles possible to not only keep your house smelling clean, but also improve the indoor air quality.”

Vacuum carpets and rugs regularly.

If you’ve ever been greeted by a musty, stale odor as you walk into your home, it may be time to deep clean your carpets and rugs. Knoll recommends vacuuming these surfaces as often as you can while also emptying and cleaning your vacuum regularly. Additionally, Rubino recommends investing in a HEPA vacuum that can filter out ultra-fine and microscopic particles like mold spores.

“If you’ve ever vacuumed your home and there is a weird smell coming from it, that is the dirt, grime, dust, and smells that have already accumulated inside the vacuum’s dirt trap,” he says. “It’s best to clean it before every use or at least every other use.”

To add a touch of springtime fragrance while also cleaning your carpets and rugs, my mom’s instant freshener trick using pantry ingredients has worked like a charm for me every time. 

There are a few things more frustrating than spending an entire day cleaning every surface of your home only to get a whiff of spoiled food — even if you’ve already taken out the trash. Knoll says this may be a sign that your kitchen drain and garbage disposal need a thorough flushing out. If you’re looking to add a clean and refreshing scent, add the juice of half a lemon.

“Pour a couple of tablespoons of baking soda down the drain with a cup of white vinegar,” he says. “Let it sit and then run hot water down the drain to get rid of those nasty smells.”

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